Thursday, February 18, 2016

Cooperative Learning

Standard of Writing
Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence.

After reading Fahrenheit 451, students will create an essay debating the topic of censorship. The teacher can use a variety of grouping strategies as the students prepare to write their own essays. In order to group strategically for this essay, the teacher will have to have information on the students, both formal and informal assessments. Here are the options:

- Have a class discussion with the entire group about censorship. Have students research censorship throughout history and around the world. Randomly assign students to argue against or for censorship, creating heterogenous groups. Have each of those two groups organize their ideas and arguments. Music can be played softly in the background while they are researching. Have an organized class debate on censorship. This method addresses the following intelligences: kinesthetic, interpersonal, musical, linguistic and logical.

As students interact with each other and hear other viewpoints, they will be able to refine their own argument and the claims they need to support it. Some students will even have to argue for a viewpoint with which they don't agree. This will hone their own belief even more. The oral argument and hearing from others will invigorate students and make their writing even better.

- Another grouping method would be small groups of 4-5 homogenous students. These groups can be created using the teacher's prior knowledge about the students' learning methods and intelligences or by student choice.
Group 1: Censorship of music. This group will research how music has been censored in the history of the US. They will need to find and listen to songs that have been censored in the past and discuss the validity of that censorship. This addresses the musical and interpersonal intelligences.
Group 2: Censorship of writing. Students will research what essays and books have been censored through the history of the US. They will individually read portions of these writings and together discuss the validity of the censorship. This addresses the logical and intrapersonal intelligences.
Group 3: Censorship of film. Students will research what films have been censored through the history of the US. They will look up these films and watch portions and will discuss the validity of the censorship. This addresses the visual and interpersonal intelligences.
Group 4: Censorship of dance. Students will research how dance has been censored through the history of the US. They will discuss the validity of the censorship in certain situations. This addresses the kinesthetic and interpersonal intelligences.

After these groupings, students will be able to write more passionately and clearly their arguments for or against censorship.

- Students may also be grouped into pairs. The pairs may be homogenous or heterogenous, depending on what the teacher wants to accomplish. The pairs will be randomly assigned a viewpoint on censorship. They will research together the censorship debate over time. After they become "experts" on their side of the debate, they will get with another pair to discuss the censorship of a presented essay, video, and song that the teacher will read to the entire class. This method addresses the following intelligences: musical, visual, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and logical.

- Lastly, students may work independently to research how the debate on censorship has changed over time. They will write an essay on presenting both sides and then arguing for the validity of ones side. This is best for intrapersonal intelligences.

These area all great ways to use cooperative learning to help students create an argumentative essay. The methods will motivate students an inform them in a way direct instruction cannot do. Their arguments will be honed and they will articulate them better in their writing.

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